2. General Assembly—April 22, 2006

On April 22, 2006, Housing Bronzeville held a General Assembly in which delegates approved a proposal for enabling legislation to set up the “Bronzeville Housing Trust Fund.” The proposal was developed during six months of research and community meetings by an Affordability Committee of Bronzeville residents. A year later, Housing Bronzeville's Blue Ribbon Committee took the proposal and drafted it into a legislative ordinance.

What is “enabling legislation”?
“Enabling legislation” is the necessary bridge between the advisory referendum and the binding referendum.  Housing Bronzeville is insisting that all voters in Bronzeville be given a second chance—this time on the binding referendum—to establish a special service taxing district for affordable home ownership in the community which would be called the "Bronzeville Housing Trust Fund."  The only way such a binding referendum can take place is through the passage by the City Council or State Legislature of “enabling legislation” that would authorize that vote and the establishment of the Bronzeville district, provided that residents vote favorably for it.


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